When the Universe slams the door in your face

I've been having a very strange couple of years. One thing I'm very adamant about is walking my talk, and let me tell you, the Universe really likes to test me when it comes to that!

As you may know by now, I don't believe in over-engineering a very specific result for a given goal. I've been there and done that, having accomplished what I set out to do but with an accompanying sense of emptiness.  

Now, I like to have an idea of what I'm working toward while staying open to what might appear on that journey. It could be that a different approach than I had planned pops up to get me there, or even that an entirely different result than what I initially anticipated is the more aligned outcome. I call it following the bread crumbs, taking small steps as they become obvious rather than having every detail mapped out.  

For the last couple of years, trial and error has been the name of the game.  

I've tried and failed, multiple times.  

Exciting doors appeared to open and then slammed shut before I could build any momentum.  

t some point, in hindsight, I'll be able to make sense of why. For now, I have no choice but to rub my face where the door hit me, turn around, and look for the next door.  

Life is like that sometimes. Full of uncertainty and what feel like dead ends.

In reality, it's all part of a bigger picture that will eventually come into focus. As much as I have not enjoyed this particular ride, there's no denying that it's exponentially increased my knowledge of what isn't for me.  

I also know that I'll be fine no matter what. I face the fear, take the rejection, live with the uncertainty, and persevere. I trust the process, even when I'd rather kick and scream (okay, maybe I do a little of that, too) because I know it's through the shit that we learn and grow the most.  

And honestly, it hasn't been all bad. Some of the opportunities of the last year have been incredibly energizing. Instead of thrashing around with what "should" be the right path, I'm leaning into what is showing up, even when I don't immediately see where it's leading me.  

As we enter the dark and cold time of the year, we tend to reflect on where we've been and where we're going. Where have you been disappointed? Where have you been pleasantly surprised? What patterns or cycles keep showing up so that you can work through them and move forward?  


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