Speaking and Workshops
Strip away conditioning for the better
High-achievers are susceptible to feeling stuck no matter how satisfying or unsatisfying our current reality is.
We aren’t trained to explore what makes us uncomfortable. Instead, we avoid the vulnerability required to get to the bottom of our discomforts or apply a quick fix that won’t address the root cause.
Fixing the symptoms will continue us down the path of dissatisfaction.
In my speaking engagements and workshops, I provide individuals with tools for thought-provoking self-examination, catalyzing holistic change in their lives and in the culture of their organization or workplace.
Only by uncovering what is out of alignment will lasting change begin.
From Burnout to Sustainability
High-achieving professionals relentlessly pursue results and rewards through their efforts in the form of status, pay, recognition, or positive political capital.
Despite the surface appearance of success, achievement conditioning causes depletion and stagnation, while raising the risk of burnout.
We uncover common conditioning culprits and provide mindset realignment needed for sustainable, satisfying results.
The Confines of
High-achievers who consistently put the needs of others ahead of their own limit their ability to fully realize their potential.
A common side effect of people-pleasing is feeling overworked and under-appreciated, which can lead to chronic dissatisfaction and anxiety in the workplace.
The desire to feel valued can be a powerful driver of success, but at what cost?
The Shift:
Proving to Power
We are conditioned to measure success tangibly, but it’s the intangible that creates fulfillment.
Together, we will initiate the mindset shifts required to leverage your innate power and uncover what matters most to you professionally and personally.
You will be given the knowledge to redefine your success paradigm for holistic alignment, strengthen your foundation of self-worth, and elevate all aspects of your life.
Access Speaking Materials
Resources to help guide your speaking session or workshop.
Listen to The Conditioning Culprit, Maki Moussavi’s podcast on ditching outdated paradigms that keep us stuck, whether they are professional, personal, familial, or societal.
Access Maki Moussavi’s Bio here.