No regrets

As of this summer, it’s been three years since I left my corporate job. Sometimes, people still ask me if I regret that decision. I don’t even have to think about it - the answer is NO, not for a moment! I can’t imagine what my life would be like now if I had let fear (which I definitely felt) keep me stuck somewhere I didn’t want to be. 

Here’s the deal. I know many of you feel stuck, no matter how successful you are. You may be making the money to have what you want and go where you want, but that often comes at a price.

We are taught that sacrificing at the professional altar is what provides our material comfort.

Our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being is not part of the equation. You’re supposed to suck it up and accept the “success tax.” You can always buy things or take a pill to make things better, right? 


I know because that’s what I struggled with myself. 

I also know you have the power to change your experience. You may be thinking “But what if I don’t know what I want to do?” Then you’re exactly where you need to be in this moment. If you think about it, it’s almost batty to think you can know what you want when you spend most of your time in what you don’t want. You’re not open to the answers. You’re weighed down by your own programming, all that you’ve learned or have been taught about what success means. 

There’s no bandage or quick fix. If you want to be in a better place, you have to show up every day. You have to be consistent and willing to take the baby steps that eventually create exponential change. Don’t look back and wonder what could have been if you’d shown up differently. No regrets.


Who determines your value?


Even the bad is for your benefit