What more is possible for you?

It’s hard to believe it’s been a little over three years since I left my corporate job. Once I was very awake and aware that I was feeling bored, stuck and trapped by the success I had created, it felt like the only real option. Why is it that we can accomplish so much, yet find ourselves dissatisfied or longing for more? 

For me, it was because the version of success I’d been living wasn’t my own. I had been checking the boxes for the version of success I had been “programmed” to pursue rather than defining my own. 

You don’t have to stay stuck. Hell, you don’t even necessarily have to leave your corporate job to get unstuck.

Being stuck is about your mind and your spirit *knowing* that something better is possible for you.

But you won’t necessarily find it if you stay externally focused, looking at your environment or for another opportunity without being really clear about what makes you tick. 

What do YOU need to know about what lights you up? What did you wish you had more of? How can you be more of who you are and get more of what you want? There’s no quick fix, but keep asking and paying attention to the answers you get from yourself. Then figure out what it will take to bring that into your experience. 


It doesn’t have to be that hard


How to get unstuck: Straightforward advice for high achievers